"The Will of God Is Always Best"
by Albrecht von Brandenburg, 1522-1557
Tune: "Was mein Gott will" - linked here
1. The will of God is always best
And shall be done forever;
And they who trust in Him are blest,
He will forsake them never.
He helps indeed In time of need,
He chastens with forbearing;
They who depend On God, their Friend,
Shall not be left despairing.
2. God is my Comfort and my Trust,
My Hope and life abiding;
And to His counsel wise and just,
I yield in Him confiding.
The very hairs, His Word declares,
Upon my head He numbers.
By night and day God is my Stay,
He never sleeps nor slumbers.
3. Lord Jesus, this I ask of Thee,
Deny me not this favor:
When Satan sorely troubles me,
Then do not let me waver.
Keep watch and ward, O gracious Lord,
Fulfil Thy faithful saying:
Who doth believe He shall receive
An answer to His praying.
4. When life's brief course on earth is run
And I this world am leaving,
Grant me to say: "Thy will be done."
By faith to Thee still cleaving.
My heavenly Friend, I now commend
My soul into Thy keeping,
O'er sin and hell, And death as well,
Through Thee the victory reaping.
Hymn #517
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Matthew 6:10
Author: Albrecht von Brandenburg, c. 1554, asc.
Translated by: composite
Titled: "Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh' allzeit"
Harmony by: Johann S. Bach, 1750
Tune: "Was mein Gott will"
1. The will of God is always best
And shall be done forever;
And they who trust in Him are blest,
He will forsake them never.
He helps indeed In time of need,
He chastens with forbearing;
They who depend On God, their Friend,
Shall not be left despairing.
2. God is my Comfort and my Trust,
My Hope and life abiding;
And to His counsel wise and just,
I yield in Him confiding.
The very hairs, His Word declares,
Upon my head He numbers.
By night and day God is my Stay,
He never sleeps nor slumbers.
3. Lord Jesus, this I ask of Thee,
Deny me not this favor:
When Satan sorely troubles me,
Then do not let me waver.
Keep watch and ward, O gracious Lord,
Fulfil Thy faithful saying:
Who doth believe He shall receive
An answer to His praying.
4. When life's brief course on earth is run
And I this world am leaving,
Grant me to say: "Thy will be done."
By faith to Thee still cleaving.
My heavenly Friend, I now commend
My soul into Thy keeping,
O'er sin and hell, And death as well,
Through Thee the victory reaping.
Hymn #517
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Matthew 6:10
Author: Albrecht von Brandenburg, c. 1554, asc.
Translated by: composite
Titled: "Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh' allzeit"
Harmony by: Johann S. Bach, 1750
Tune: "Was mein Gott will"
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